Our community-based habilitation services in Fort Wayne, Indiana are geared towards serving individuals who do not have the ability to live on their own or independently. Unlike residential habilitation services where we are simply improving our clients’ ability to live on their own, this service is for people who require regular care and support on a daily basis. Thus, it is our goal to help increase their potential mentally, psychologically, socially, and physically through personalized habilitation progress in a community setting, such as:
Socialization: Many individuals who have developmental disabilities may have a difficult time socializing with others. Through our personalized habilitation program, we can help develop vital social and interpersonal skills. This also includes improving their communication skills so they are able to properly express their feelings, what they are thinking, or to simply socialize with the people around them.
Cognitive Development: We can help improve vital skills and enhance cognitive development when it comes down to numerous day-to-day tasks such as remembering phone numbers, managing money, handling emergencies, telling the tame, or even problem-solving. These may sound basic for many of us but for these individuals, these can be challenging tasks but we aim to help improve their skills.
Personal Care Skills: We can also provide valuable personal care skills. We can educate our clients on how to properly groom, how to use the bathroom, and even how to eat.
Health: Part of our personalized program is finding ways to improve the health of our clients. We are committed to enhancing their social, mental, emotional, and physical health through better food, personalized education, and with regular exercise that focuses on enhancing numerous skills needed for day-to-day life. As an assisted living facility, we are fully equipped to provide the best services possible.
These are just a few of the many things we can do through our community habilitation services. It is our goal to provide an individual with developmental disabilities the chance to reach and exceed their potential both physically and mentally. Beloved Shepherd LLC believes that disabilities should not hold anyone back. With proper support, anyone can live the life they want.