It is a basic human need to communicate. However, there are certain practices and etiquettes we need to observe when we are communicating with someone depending on their unique needs. For persons with Down’s Syndrome, communicating with them may po...
Read More ›Residential habilitation is a form of care services designed to provide 24/7 care for individuals in need. There are many different kinds of habilitation services that cater to different types of people. Some of these residential care providers focus...
Read More ›Do you have any plans to travel with your loved one with developmental disability? If you’ve been hesitating for a long time, know that there are plenty of ways to ensure their safety and comfort, especially in the transportation matters. There are...
Read More ›It is our goal as a provider of Habilitation Services in Indiana that every person with developmental and intellectual disability will have an opportunity to live and thrive just like every one of us. We believe that with the right assistance and sup...
Read More ›Interactions and fruitful communication can be challenging when we are conversing with a child who has autism spectrum disorder (ASD). ASD is a form of disorder that affects a child’s mental development and is caused by different factors. Every per...
Read More ›People with physical or developmental disabilities require assistance in completing their day-to-day activities. For these people, a support service in Indiana is definitely a must. This service helps in improving one’s ability to do self-care....
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